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The president of Namibia attended opening ceremony of MR125 Road

Author:LeiChengLin PostDate:2015年04月02日 Click: A+ A A-

MR125 Road project, which joint constructd by MCC19 and Namibia road construction company, held opening ceremony in the morning of March 13th. Namibia president Hifikepunye Pohamba attended the ceremony.
This project commenced on March 16th, 2012. The road is the longest road of Namibia since independence in 1990, locate in Caprivi province, total length 208.2KM. It has two-way two lane, each way 3.7M wide, with 1.5M wide gravel hard shoulder, design speed 120KPH. Contract period is 34 months.
At the opening ceremony, Namibia president Hifikepunye Pohamba thanked MCC19 for its hardwork and successfully completed the project. He said he has visted this road for many times and been pleased with the construction progress, the opening of the road will bring benifit to people. It will not only promote local economic growth but also further advance the friendly relations between China and Namibia, possess strong polotical significance. He claimed the two countries have good relations of cooperation, Namibia expect to deepen cooperation with China, welcome MCC19 invest in Namibia and create more excellent projects to realize altogether wins and bring two countries relationship to a new level.
Chinese ambassador to Namibia Xin Shunkang and MCC19 director Ding Xiaobo attended the ceremony as well. 


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