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Chinese Ambassador to Afghanistan Deng Xijun Visited MCC19 Afghanistan Kabul University Project

Author:Li Peilong PostDate:2014年02月19日 Click: A+ A A-

On Jan 31th, 2014, Chinese ambassador to Afghanistan Deng Xijun and his company visited MCC19 Afghanistan Kabul University project.

Deng Xijun first heard about report form project department, known general condition and current progress, and later arrangement. Ambassador Deng praised project department\'s efforts to overcome various difficulties and push forward work, and satisfied with later arrangement.

Ambassador Deng claimed that "Western Iron Army" conquered hardship and severe security situation in the past year, made outstanding contribution. He expectd MCC19 keep up the good work, make new contribution to the friendship between China and Afghanistan.

Ambassador Deng Specially emphasised that security situation become more severe as Afghanistan election approach, He required project department enhance security, embassy will continue offer help to project department as much as possible. 

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